Compound of Happiness...

Compound of Happiness...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

30 Seconds of Happiness

I wait and wait til my happiness comes and when it does no one is happy because everyone is quick to judge. The moments we have depend on everything we have because we always seem to have to hide everything. Our moments tend to be like an eclipse; rare and fast. Those 30 seconds come and go so quickly that it doesnt ever seem to want to say. We dont know which way we want it to go because our feelings are now depending on what other people think. Although it shouldnt matter, time is what is keeping us away. Time is what brought is together and time is whats keeping us apart. Born years apart and months in advance we have stoppped our own time. We are two ordinary people chasing two different things in the same enviorment. This doesnt mean we cant be together, its just that we dont match because the people in our own world have already decided our lives for us. Those 30 seconds of happiness quickly vanished and I am no longer the same, because being that we cant be together my happiness was just a stich in time.

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